Part two of this horrible story. . . . so as my husbands phone was released to me when he went to jail. I got it unlocked. I found her. Yolanda Mendoza. A girl my husband claimed was nasty and unclean and with his homeboy”big boy” and she had 3 kids and was only 22, he said they were just friends. He never talked to her. He even deleted her.. Or so I thought. So October 1,2011 I moved in with my boyfriend “Santos” he said he owned a truck a house made me meet his mom. Had her lie for him. Said he hasn’t ever brought a girl home or let any girlfriend meet his mom. Around November I seen this girl in his inbox being very inappropriate and desperate. By this time i was pregnant with our first child. She got weird and posted on his Facebook page “was so nice to see you S.A.Santos” I was like wtf when was this he claimed he never saw her. Now all was good for a while. We got married October 2012. He changed. He started hitting me…

and calling me names then he would literally cry and beg me to stay and text me obbsessivly while he worked. He started to drink alot. I didn’t know how bad he was…he turned out to be very very abusive. He BEGGED my forgiveness and pleaded with me to stay. So I did. I was young and dumb. I thought he loved me. Well fast forward to 2014 I thought things were good. Better then ever. No more talking to internet hoes and being on mocospace. Boyyy I was soooo wrong I found a Facebook and he was not just talking but having SEX with 5 girls he went to high school with sometimes in the same day. All the while claiming he was at work in North Carolina. His whole family knew. They made me be a perfect wife but let him do whatever. They told me I couldn’t leave him and they would take my kids away. And this particular whore said she would take my kids and raise them with my husband. Well she had a boyfriend some guy named Mario while she was sneaking around with my husband. Well my husband got locked up for abusing me BC I found out about one female he was aparently trying to have a baby with and marry all while he was with me. I had all the screenshots of tjis printed them out and threw them in his face when he got home and he went ballistic on me. I wanted a divorce and to leave. So I packed and tried to leave things got physical he got arrested. I had everything moved out within a week. Ever gone of the girls my husband cheated on me with KNEW about me and our kids. KNEW I lived with him. knew he had no money or a car ora house. I was smart and got out while I could. But to the girls my husband cheated with Yolanda Mendoza, Melissa Garcia, Jessica Montez…and a few more. You females are pittiful. You ruined my children’s home life. You hurt me in so many ways. Over a man who is not even remotely cute. I hope Karma does to you what you have done to me and my children.