The Worst Gold Diggers Author- We all know someone like this guy. But man he sure does take the cake of being the worst. Not only did he lie and cheat on his girlfriend when they were trying to have a baby and eventually get married but he lied to his friends and family. He continues to lie and cheat and make himself out to be the victim. He works at Tah0e Fracture in Carson City. So watch out for him. From always talking bad to his friends about his girlfriend making them think she didn’t like us he would turn around and make her believe they didn’t like her either. She moved her with him and she had no one except him. He deceived her and manipulated her in so many ways just to cheat on her with men and women. He broke this shy sweet girl to the point of no return. They were living together and he would tell his friends that she was always mean to him and would make him sleep on the couch. He manipulated and lied to others just to get what he wanted. He lies to himself even. He’s tries to play that “I’m going to therapy oh poor me” card on everyone he can. But all his friends know the truth and they all just sit back and let it happen. Well no more Reno/Carson City area. This guy will say and do anything to make himself look better.