Tag: Renaud Tirfoin
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Renaud Tirfoin, Paris France
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Birthday: 06/25/1984 Renaud Tirfoin is the very definition of trash. He plays high stakes poker at the Aviation Club de France where he and his entourage j**z into crepes and the ultimate loser would to eat those s***n-filled deserts. Renaud also travels to Thailand regularly for vacations despite the […]
read moreRenaud Tirfoin
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Birthday: 06/25/1984 Renaud Tirfoin is the very definition of trash. He plays high stakes poker at the Aviation Club de France where he and his entourage jizz into crepes and the ultimate loser would to eat those semen-filled deserts. Renaud also travels to Thailand regularly for vacations despite the […]
read moreRenaud Tirfoin Capegemini Paris/Hong Kong
renaud.tirfoin@capgemini.com renaud.tirfoin@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/renaud-tirfoin-33254b2a/ Renaud Tirfoin at Capegemini is a psychopathic pedophile and homophile with deep fetishes for Thai ladyboys and underage boys. Besides playing poker online, he frequently dives into the dark net to trade child pornography collections. Renaud is HIV positive and spreads Herpes because of his ventures with other men during his business […]
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