Tag: Piera Maddalena

Piera Maddalena — Call Girl Beware

Piera Maddalena — Call Girl Beware

 This is Piera Maddalena , she also goes by Tory St Michael or Pete Tyler. She is a Craig’s list escort and charges a modest fee for anything you like . You can get a reduced fee in services if you supply her favorite party favor “Crystal Meth” . A word of caution – use a condom […]

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Piera Maddalena — Craig’s List Call Girl

Piera Maddalena — Craig’s List Call Girl

This is Piera Maddalena , she also goes by Tory St Michael or Pete Tyler. She is a Craig’s list escort and charges a modest fee for anything you like . You can get a reduced fee in services if you supply her favorite party favor “Crystal Meth” . A word of caution – use a condom […]

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Piera Maddalena — Piera The Dirty Ditchpig

Piera Maddalena — Piera The Dirty Ditchpig

Piera you really are the biggest piece of dogsht around and factually a massive low rent floozy slore. Can’t attest to your stank vag and drds but I believe it to be true. Fact: You do leave your son within eyeshot and earshot while you turn tricks. Fact: You’re a thief and a liar and a […]

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