Tag: Lacy Jean Beardmore

Lacy Jean Beardmore — Dallas- Texas

Lacy Jean Beardmore — Dallas, Texas

The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This girl likes to take men at her work out to the parking lots, in bathrooms on property, in cars on breaks , and back at her place and your husband’s. She doesn’t discriminate between single or taken, and married is even better. She slept with my husband while […]

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Lacy Jean Beardmore — Dallas, Texas

Lacy Jean Beardmore — Dallas, Texas

This girl likes to take men at her work out to the parking lots, in bathrooms on property, in cars on breaks , and back at her place and your husband’s. She doesn’t discriminate between single or taken, and married is even better. She slept with my husband while she was 6 months pregnant. She […]

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