Shayla Sirdar — Fuked Up Homewreaking Slore. This b1tch is one of the most fuked up people I’ve ever met in my entirety of being alive. She slept with my bestfriends Husband and ended up getting pregnant an miscarried the kid due to the amount of drugs she been pumping through her fat ass other than a fuking cheese burger. She stole and sold most of my friends sh1t, this B1tch by the by is named Shayla Sirdar and she is by no means a fucking saint. If anything shes a total fuking nut case that cries rape and gets good people sent to jail while she sits their getting fuked on the corner by some random. I witnessed myself her bullsh1t and the drugs she uses, I highly suggest if you can ignore her do it. This b1tch will steal your sh1t and eat all your food, renting an rooming with this slob of a cvnt is by no means easy. She roomed with me and some friends and the whole place she flipped in one fuking night. She broke and stole at least 10 grand worth of sh1t and toys that were for my kids, she stole and gave to some methhead named Hailey Sibbert for her kids. I spent enough money to fuking choke her with it. If you see this b1tch, Im fuking ending you.