The Worst Gold Diggers Author- This girl is such a laugh lol she’s fuking Jon’s for her next fix she acts like she’s this hardcore hustler meanwhile the only thing she’s slanging is her dirty slice lmfao Serenity flett is a junkie she’s literally addicted to snorting perks she fuked this Old man Ian on Flora and Mcgregor at a trap house For perks she would lay up with him and fuk him for sh1t even called her his Girl then she robbed him lol and she was getting pimped out By J in St Vital by the Mall this girl is a north side floozy this b1tch will try fuk with your ex because he has perks she’s so disgusting she even fed her bestfriend perks Kerya Eastman perks while she was pregnant and couldn’t stop that’s why her baby dad put her on blast When they were living out the developments on Dufferin and Robinson her ex Sumba is a meth head she probably is one too she always brags on Facebook how he used to beat her up now she’s a proud north side floozy yuck her mother must be proud of this mutt.