The Worst Gold Diggers Author – She’s popular on here, too bad she’s not in real life like she pretends to be. This woman who acts like a teenager has burned every bridge in the state of Arizona. She pretending to be an influence and begs people to Vote for her as “entrepreneur of the year” when she has not worked in years. She preaches how to do this and that, but can’t even afford to live. Everyone knows she’s a complete leech, in fact people in the community found out she owes her recent apartment complex over 40k in back due rent while her recent tit job is financed, & she over here collecting unemployment and not paying her rent. she can always afford to shop, and buy followers tho. Wait, maybe now that her useless self is back on ONLYFANS she can maybe afford to eat and help out her celebrity boyfriend. This poor dude has no idea who this bxxxx really is. Wasn’t she fuking that actor iN LA for a while the whole time she’s had a boyfriend. She doesn’t need a long post to show how awful she is, just go read the other ones. She still owes girls a bunch of money from taking their payments and never training them. Don’t think we forgot about that. Get a life. She loves her dog so much but always leaves him alone and in a cage while she prances around the world on other peoples dime. Some dog mom to a rescue. Poor dog, and her poor parents raised such a crappy human. Yuck.