The Worst Gold Diggers Author – I have watched this man treat so many people like sh1t including his now ex fiance, family, and ‘ friends ‘ This man will Rip anybody off , and manipulate to get whatever he wants. He doesn’t give a sh1t about anyone except himself, and the next individual who is going to benefit him in some way. Beware ladies. I’ve watched this man leave his kids and the mother of his children and go out on multiple benders fuking whatever he can leaving them clueless at home. My heart bleeds for her and the shit he put her through , I saw it first hand Anythingg that comes out of this lads mouth is bull sh1t. Typical story teller. There’s so much dirt on this guy I would not know where to begin. Shortly after he had his first son, I went out more then once only to see him with some other drug sloot that was most definitely not his fiance. He will use anyone and any woman strictly for the benefit of whatever he needs . Especially pu55y. He will tell you anything to get down your pants and gain your trust so he can take advantage. . Then run back home and act like a family man . Seen it so many times thank fuking God she saw him for what he is. Fuking at last His charm must be fading though, because he is now resorting to floozy. If any of you know Vernon, I’m sure you can imagine the quality of the floozy. I would say dirtier then the dirty itself. Don’t be fooled by him, he will chew you up and spit you out. All this guy wants is wet pu55y, meth, a lot more among other things. Tread litely ladies, he talks a good talk.