The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Warning this man is a sociopath. He professes to have a criminal record for mortgage fraud, but as he is a habitual liar it is impossible to distinguish the truth from the lies. He targets women who he exploits to his own advantage. He is a controlling, manipulative liar, who leads a parasitic lifestyle living off women. He will target you if he feels he can live off you and that there is some financial gain to be made from you. His sole motivation in life is totally money lead, he will reel you in initially with lots of empty promises. De He will isolate you from your family and friends in an attempt to completely control you. If you have children he will damage your relationship with them by arguing with them, giving you unwanted advice on the way that you deal with them, and cause a rift in your relationships with them by making you chose between them and him with his jealous rages. His needs are paramount, he is a hypochondriac who always has something wrong with him in an attempt to always be the center of attention. De He is incapable of love but you won’t realize this because you are blindly in love. He is as selfish out of the bed as he is in it, your needs are not important, if you question this he will tell you you have something wrong with you. He commits acts of fraud which he can always justify as he has absolutely no conscience. Incapable of love and without any loyalty, he will smear his exes to you in order for you to pity him and further believe you are the ONE. He lies so well that you never doubt him in fact you will pity him and believe all that he tells you. If you value your mental health do not get involved with him. He will leave you when you are no longer of use to him financially and will behave in such a way that you wouldn’t believe before you have even finished he will be on the internet targeting his next victim without so much as a backward glance giving them the same sob stories he told you about how badly he had been treated previously. All lies.