The Worst Gold Diggers Author – WARNING! Trust this man at your own risk! He is Bad news with a capital ‘B’! His ‘game’ is a smooth one, obviously honed after years of practice. He has profiles (usually hidden) on most of the popular dating sites. He is very sweet and considerate, doesn’t ask overly personal questions & is very quick to make you feel naturally comfortable chatting with him. He doesn’t rush you to talk on the phone or even give him your email, he lets you set the pace. He doesn’t engage in ‘Sex’ talk, ask you for racy pictures, etc. In other words, he’s the perfect gentleman!!! He’ll even offer tips to help you protect yourself online, first dates, etc.!!! He’ll tell you about his family, his daughter & grandchildren and he’ll even send you pictures of his grandchildren! DE DO NOT FALL FOR IT! IT IS ALL A WELL REHEARSED ACT! He has no problem continuing his act in person, but that’s all it is, a huge act!!! *He’s a habitual liar & cheater, sleeping with every woman he can; hookups, one-night stands, clients, friends of friends, etc. The woman can be married, in a relationship, single, it makes no difference to him. *Lying is second nature to him. *He DOESN’T PRACTICE SAFE SEX! Be aware, he has been with countless women. *He’s a USER-uses woman until he’s tired of them & discards them like yesterday’s trash. *He has major psychological issues with women. *He will lead you on just to get as much out of you as he can. He likes women with advanced degrees (especially teachers) because he knows they usually make more money. Not for the stimulating intelligent conversation as he leads you to believe. He isn’t capable of having an intelligent conversation on any subject! *He’s manipulative, callous, self-centered, arrogant, sarcastic & vengeful. *He has a sadistic side & loves to say hurtful things that cut deep. *He’s incapable of feeling EMPATHY or SYMPATHY! *He’s two-faced. He has nothing good to say about anyone he knows, family, friends, clients, employees. *He’s extremely selfish, everything is about him. *He has a huge gambling problem. He frequents the casinos in Durant & Thackerville, OKLA & Bossier City, LA. *He frequents CW bars like Southern Junction, Post Time (his fav), WW Fairfields, Cottons Club & others in the Rockwall, Dallas, Forney area. *He loves to take his daughter & her young (teenager-23) bikini-wearing friends to the lake. He’s been know to date, several women, with teenage daughters. I’m NOT saying he has done anything inappropriate with them, only that he goes out of his way to be around them. *He has a ‘panty’ fetish. Loves to smell them, keep them & even wear them.I have pics! Has been known to go as far as to indulge his fetish at a client’s home. *He’s a card-carrying Atheist. After being in a relationship with him for over a year, he will suddenly cut all contact without any explanation. Then when the woman or woman, he was cheating on you with, finds out about you, he’ll deny he even knows you! It doesn’t matter to him that there is a mountain of proof of the relationship, he has a way of making others believe whatever he wants them to. He has the ‘sincere’ act honed to perfection. De Don’t fall for it! He is truly a ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing!!! He loves to exploit an experience he had with a former girlfriend to get you to feel sorry for him. His version & the real way it happened are completely different. His version: A crazy ex-girlfriend shot him for no reason. REALITY: His 2nd wife caught him cheating, kicked him out so he moved in with the woman he was cheating on her with, who was also a client and was paying him $$$$. This woman had won a huge court settlement of several million due to an auto accident that totally disabled her son. A year later & much richer thanks to her, he moved out with no explanation. Being the expert manipulator he is, he convinced her to continue seeing him. After a couple of months, she found out he had been cheating on her for months. She was so devastated she shot him, grazing only, then shot & killed herself. Just think about what it would take for a mother to leave her child. This guy is your worst nightmare! Unless you enjoy being used, abused, having your heart ripped out and your whole world turned upside down, I’d advise staying as far away from him as possible! Please do the women of the world a favor and pass this on to everyone you know. * * *Lists his town as Quinlan, Greenville, Cash, TX.