The Worst Gold Diggers Author- This not very classy floozzy h0ewrecker will do anything for sex. I discovered she slept with my boyfriend on many occasions for party treats. After a little digging I learned I wasn’t the only home she wrecked. She had cheated on her ex husband and ex boyfriends many many times. She turned into a complete Pepsi head and much much more along with her high promiscuity with both men and women in the.Clairmont and grande prairie area including the grossest rig pigs you can imagine. She burnt every bridge possible then fled to her retired parents place in Vernon BC living off of the poor old people. She’s desperate to find another man to support her kids and her nasty habits. Be forewarned men and women she will steal your man away from you and flirt with your man behind your back like she did to mine. She can be recognized by her triple chin and numerous skin tags around her eyes most likely from the drd’s she’s contracted over the years. She will lie to you and cheat on her friends boyfriends and husbands behind your back and expect drugs in return. She’s learned to manipulate men from an early age and will use them for all they are worth. Please stay away from this coward. She has no girl friends and prefers men for close friends and more. Karma will get ya eventually. Have a happy life ruining other relationships Megan Rysz.