The Worst Gold Diggers Author- Hold on to your men ladies. This loser trash heap is on the loose and looking for your sympathy She has a bundle of kids from many different dudes. She lies she cheats and she steals. Uses her baby daddies for paydays while she is out dressing like a hooker and playing the victim card to who ever will listen. She had her latest ex arrested on made up charges and her ex before that claimed he was abusive. She runs to the woman’s shelter non stop as it’s a free hotel for her. She uses ppl to pay her way all while she is living it up on bars and shopping sprees and holidays. Then claims she needs to access the church and food banks for food. She has stds and a hairy ass. Be careful. Don’t fall for her games and lies and manipulated ways. She is evil to the bone she was last seen smashing a drug dealer meth head all while she is in court battles with both baby daddies over her kids. She needs to loose them. It is the best plan for any child near her to have a safe upbringing. She needs to stop having kids and learn to take care of herself. Not add to the list of messed up offspring she already has.