The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Here’s the latest news on Edmonton’s greasiest cyber stalker, Matt Galpin. Matthew recently lost his license due to too many demerits because he drives around all day delivering weed trying to make that $150 a day to pay his bills. He had to go in front of the driving board to plead his case to get his license back. And the idiots actually fell for it and now Matthew is back on road being a terror! Wow. What a system we have to allow this loser to operate a vehicle. Watch out if you see this menace driving around in his janky Ford Focus. He might cut you off or swerve into your lane while hes busy texting or smoking dope. Not only that but the kid is starting to look like prince harry with that massive bald spot ring on his dome. He’s looking pretty god damn rough these days. That’s for sure. The little bedwetter even shaves his entire head to hide the fact he is aging terribly. That’s karma for you, Matty. Poor bastard isn’t even 34 yet and his body is already failing. Remember this is the kid who pretty much stalked every girl in Edmonton, threatened his own family, killed a kitten, posed as his brother online for months, scammed people online for thousands of dollars, posted countless people on thedirty, gave two of his exes DRDs, and threatened to blow up his parents house. Now look at him. Where’s that baller car, Matt? Saving up for a toupee now? Matthew Galpin, everyone. The world’s biggest joke.