My story starts out kind of like most love stories do. From the very first time I met Cj I felt such a strong commection. I had been hurt in the past, but, he made me feel loved and safe. A few months into our relationship I caught him in an online chatroom. I brushed it off because things were not that serious as of yet.

Fast forward a year, my whore of an aunt moves down to Texas from Florida because she was pregnant and didn’t know who her baby daddy was. I welcomed her into our lives with open arms. I threw her a baby shower, bought things for the baby, and even tried to help her with a job. Shortly after my aunt had her baby I became deathly ill and was hospitalized due to being diagnosed with lupus. While I laid in a hospital bed fighting for my life, he laid with my aunt. She gladly showed me the texts they sent to each other as if it was something to be proud of. She basically slept with him because she thought he had money & he gave her a free, home done tatoo. She used him to support her pot habit. He was sleeping with multiple girls from his work and meetme. He didn’t help me financially nor was he emotionally supportive after my miscarriage. He’d rather chase girls and smoke pot than take care of business.

Karma is a bitch though, my aunt got chlamydia and is pregnant again! He may or may not be the father. Ladies beware, this “man” will use every sob story he can to make you feel pity for him. He lies and takes advantage of people. He also has chlamydia but denies it. I’m just thankful that I didn’t catch anything from him. He likes to throw temper tantrums literally. He punches walls and throws things when he doesn’t get his way. He is emotionally abusive. He is a lazy slob & wants a woman to take care of him.

Now that I’ve moved on with my life he still tries to when me back by threatening to kill himself. He harasses my boyfriend and family constantly. There’s not enough time or space to post all of CJ’s affairs. Life is so much better without him though!