Kenny and I started dating in March or 07 I ran into him at a gas station after not seeing him for a year. I had just moved back from Washington and leaving my ex husband. Kenny asked me out so I went out with him. we hit it off immediately .I was happy again and we were inseparable! I loved him more than anything in the world. We lived together for 4 years and got married after I gave birth to our son. He was an amazing husband and step father to my son from my previous marriage. For years it seemed as if things were perfect but he went to jail and came out a different person!!!

While I was pregnant with our son he started calling phone sex lines and looking at porn all the time I noticed he was acting weird but couldn’t put my finger on it. I looked at his phone records and asked him what was all the phone sex lines about he denied it saying his friend used his phone, then it was the cell company is messing up his phone records…. Finally after a whole lot of lies he came clean. This was In June 2010. Then I get a call from his best friends wife that Kenny had been texting and calling him often. I stayed believed he could change and loved me.

I gave birth to our son sept of 2010 and I was happy again he had a great job and we had a happy life.. Or so I thought. We got married in June of 2011 . On our 1 year wedding anniversary I was in California visiting my mother in law and sister in law and found out he was sleeping with my friends mom!! I stayed stupidly!!!!! We picked up everything and moved and started over. We were happy again things were going good he got another good job we were buying a house and I was happier than I had been in a long time. So I decided to go visit my family in Louisiana for Mardi gras I was gone 3 days and I find out he had a woman at my house!!! He and this woman had been having an affair together for a couple weeks and I never knew. She worked with him and when I got home he told me I love you I want you and came home! Again I stupidly stayed!!! He was here for almost 2 weeks when he calls me and says I don’t love you I’m done and left me and my two sons with nothing. Took all the money and vehicle and just ran away! He was gone for about a week and a half when he called me crying about how sorry he was and how stressed he was and that he would quit his job if I came home. At this moment I was still blaming the other woman and not him. I walked right into a web full of lies!! He would tell me he loved me and couldn’t live without me. But he began to act really weird and started pushing me away again. After days of asking for him to just tell me the truth and him continuing to lie to me… He said it… I don’t love you. I am not made for a relationship and I can’t be faithful!!!

We’ll that would have been nice for him to say oh I don’t know 7 years ago!! Needless to say we are getting a divorce but I want all woman out there to see his face and don’t let him suck you in he will charm your socks off but it’s all lies!!!