The Worst Gold Diggers Author-  This man John Flores also known as Juan Flores from London Ontario Canada is a true narrsacist! If you looked up the definition of a narrsacist in the dictionary his picture is there! This guy threw a temper tantrum the day before his ex girlfriends father’s funeral because she was busy Making funeral arrangements and he wanted her to take him shopping! If his ex girlfriend didn’t buy him whatever he wanted he would throw tantrums and threaten her! He kept doing drugs and lied to her about being sober 1 night his ex girlfriend told him that she didn’t want him to take illegal drugs and told him she would leave him and to choose her or the drugs he choose the drugs! He constantly lied and abused her! He stole her dead father’s watch tv laptop and jewelry! The final straw for his ex girlfriend was when she woke up early 1 morning the day after her birthday and wanted to watch tv well John didn’t like that and he got up screaming at her he turned on all the lights in the bedroom while calling her names and screaming at her when she stood up to him and said she wouldn’t put up with his behavior he grabbed her iPad and whipped it at her head and hit her when she told him that was it she was done he blamed her for his actions and said Xmas was coming and her leaving him would ruin his Xmas! This man is also DRDs and he lied to his ex girlfriend about having a zero viral load! Thankfully she didn’t catch anything but he actually tried to give it to her! Avoid this guy at all costs!!