The Worst Gold Diggers Author – These two h0es are Belleville’s finest. They cheat on their boyfriends, fuk everyone they come across, do Pepsi, and Jessie has even gone to jail for driving sloshed and crashing into 2 cars and claiming the pigs wouldn’t do sh1t cause her dad is a cop. Reghan will fuk anything that has a d1ck, and drops her kids off every chance she gets to go party with Jessie. Jessie leaves her kids with her bf who works his a55 off to giver her everything she wants, while she collects welfare and goes out and cheats on him like the fat piece of shut she is. These two are never going anywhere and life, unless the DRD clinic counts. Must suck to hate your lives so much you have to be petty and fuk over everyone around you.