Heidi E. Sullivan Reynolds has been chasing after my husband for 10 years. She threw herself at him when they worked together at NEISD. He was on his second marriage at the time. They had an affair for almost a year. She was a teacher for special needs children. Nice right. Six months after he married his third wife this whore starts her shit again. Now my marriage and I find out this whore has been having an affair with my husband the whole time. And when was she fucking my man? While she is supposed to be seeing her students. My husband would meet her at her house when her mom was at work. Her mommy is out on parole for forgery. Lovely family. Now the school knows about the affair on their time. Doesn’t look like her teaching contract will be renewed. And Heidi, if you didn’t know, David’s testimony concerning the affair and confirming the time of day is what killed your career. The first honest thing he has done in a long time. Heidi is working on her masters degree at wayland. Socialwork or counseling. What a joke. Hire her if you don’t mind her trolling the married men that work for you or wasting your dollar doing it.