The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Erika Anna Maclean Carman is a lifelong criminal with a history of arrests and felony convictions going back more than twenty years. She is the wife of Dale Carman a founder of [REDACTED] who is also her p1mp. They run a floozy business sloring out Erika Anna Maclean Carman and her sister Michelle Ann Maclean. Dale Carman has cheated on all three of his wives with floozy and continues to see floozy even while he p1mps out his wife Erika Anna Maclean Carman. Dale Andrew Carman founded [REDACTED] but he and several of his cohorts were fired for stealing. He then went on the found [REDACTED] a video game company in Dallas. Dale cheats on his taxes and commits tax fraud because he does not declare the illegal income from his ans Erika’s floozy business. Dale Carman also committed bankruptcy fraud in 2019 because he didn’t declare many assets he squires with his illegal income from floozy. Erika Anna Maclean. Carman is well known for having sex with johns and not using a condom. She has had several different DRDs over the years which she has spread. Dale Carman also has sexual with floozy and refuses to use condoms. Dale Carman has also been spreading DRDs for years. Both Erika Anna Maclean Carman and Dals Andrew Carman have DRDs and are actively spreading it to johns and floozy. Dale Carman is business partners with Scott Howell, Dan Ferguson, Tom Leppert and Gary Banks. Some of them are known to also have sexual with floozy and some have been seen visiting Erika Anna Maclean Carman for sex at the Carman home at [REDACTED] in Plano Texas. Any company that does business with groove Jones is actively supporting sex trafficking by supporting the p1mp and john Dale Andrew Carman and other johns associated with [REDACTED].