My husband and I have been married for three years. We have an eight month old son and are a very happy couple. That being said we had hit a rough patch. We were constantly fighting, I fell into depression and started having anxiety attacks and it seemed as if he was never home. I went home to visit my parents with our son in June 2014 . My husband couldn’t come because he couldn’t get off of work. He recently started hanging out with this scum bad (removed) who, has a wife and child and another on the way yet he runs around town with a younger girl and doesn’t take care of his family, he is in my opinion one of the reasons my husband was influenced. Although that is not excuse for what he did.

When I returned home I discovered that my husband’s friend, (removed) had hooked him up with Erin Fierro. I looked her up, arrested for drugs, 21, and a lot all over the internet about how she sleeps around. She came into MY house and slept with MY husband on MY bed! When I contacted her asking her very politely not to contact my husband any more because I loved him she denied everything despite me seeing the phone bill, texts, and calls. She gave me her “word” that she would never speak to him again or that she would tell who ever was involved to not talk to him because ” she had not idea what I was talking about ” she continued to attempt to contact him for two weeks after the fact. When I confronted her again she again denied it. I told her to be a woman and admit what she did, and apologize so we could all move past it, she refused and got all of her friends to bash ME online calling ME a slut when she was the one sleeping with my husband. Unbelievable! She then went on to try and make me feel bad saying that he wanted her more and that he was “convulsing” after just one round, when in reality he said she was terrible, made weird noises and ugly face and the only way he could finish was to imagine me, she just put lol and said her p**sy was so tight he couldn’t help but pop. Honey if you’ve slept with all of Del Rio I doubt your p**sy is still tight lol.

Well all in all the bitch got hurt because my husband didn’t want her, he wanted me and she is too pathetic to admit what she did. Every time I wanted to speak to her she would threaten me with harrassment and everytime she saw me she literally ran away! She’s a coward and a slut and karma will be a very mean bitch for her!