The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Don’t let the Bible verses, wedding photos, and talk about her amazing marriage she paints all over her social media accounts fool you. Elisa spent years cheating on her fiancé/husband including having sexual relations multiple times (without protection) at her friend Victoria Marron’s house with a married coworker. Elisa was well aware her affair partner was married with young children but was very eager to steal him for herself. I guess she is bitter and scorned that her previous husband cheated on her so she wanted to make sure to even the field and start the infidelity before she even got married and continue it for over two years into her marriage. Elisa claims to enjoy being held all the time and kissed by this married man. She sent many selfies, mostly nude photos, and boudoir pictures she had made for her husband to her affair partner. She met up with this married man all around town (park, Walmart, mall, restaurants, friend’s houses). She spent a lot of time planning dates, a vasectomy for her lover, and a divorce for her affair partner. She set up burner phones, Tango accounts, email addresses and fake names for her and her affair partner so the married man’s wife and her husband would not find out about their affair. She spent hours and hours of company time at Chevron texting, calling, and Skype messaging her lover for several years. She wrote handwritten “I ❤U” notes to her lover. She used Sara Evan’s song My Heart Can’t Tell You No as an example of her love for her affair partner. Elisa said she would drop everything, including her lazy husband, if only her affair parter would divorce his wife. She claims her love and affection for her affair partner has never died and never will as he turns her to “mush.” Elisa wasn’t his only affair partner. He had at least one other that happens to be a mutual coworker, Ashley Clawson. In fact, the “Food for thought” he emailed Elisa was written by Ashley but he sent it to Elisa as his own words.