The Worst Gold Diggers Author – D’Miao Robinson and I were in a “committed” relationship, living together. He cheated multiple times to my knowledge. He hooked up with an ex and invited her to a sleepover at MY place while I was out of town at my parents’ house. He had several online dating profiles and would delete them when I found them, only to make new ones once things calmed down. He emailed and texted what seemed like 20 different women at a time. *BEWARE* De He will lie to you about his job, his education, his family, and anything he can think of. *FYI* He works at the Omni in Las Collinas, has a high school education, and has no car for those of you who will come into contact with him. *COMMON LIES* He likes to tell women that he is going back to school for his master’s degree to become a neurologist…. (can’t be done with a master’s degree..) He may also tell you he is a manager or works at a hospital or bank. *LOCATIONS* Lives in Denton, TX now, but may return to the Dallas area. *HABITS* He goes by the nickname, “Robin” sometimes. He tends to move the relationship along as fast as you will let him, says the “L” word way too soon and seals the deal with an intense “bonding” experience. Also, he DOES NOT, I repeat, DOES NOT use protection….So be smart and think of yourself first, because you will the last thing on his mind when he goes creeping.