The Worst Gold Diggers Author – My best friend dated her for over a year, she cheated on him more times than I can count. She does meetups on the side has clients in Vegas, Miami, New Orleans and of course several in Dallas. So many times he said he could tell bc she smelled like condom and she admitted in the end that yes she had fucked up to 4 different guys in a day before returning to his bed at night. She shoplifts from time to time he said. A couple weeks ago she tried coming right back to him and he didn’t want it but still gave her money bc her family takes whatever she gets. Her dad made several threats bc he didn’t like a white man banging his daughter but he’s a wanna be thug with no balls but that’s another story. Everardo, Keith, Thomas, Jeremy, Alan, Jacob and so many more just the last 2wks alone. Her family serves as her p1mp.. a month ago she was caught fuking a married man when the wife walked in. He was in the hospital and she still went to the Callie apartments and a hotel ducking 2 different guys while he laid up fighting for his life. She’s not a good person, probably the fakes person ever met. Just look at her social media, she just shakes her ass bc she don’t k ow what else to do. Trick and strip then Throw her a dollar and she gonna come back tomorrow. Stay away from her, rumor is she may have something so wrap up.