The Worst Gold Diggers Author- Desiree Louie-Bessette is a mother of five who doesn’t raise any of her children and has them taken away from her. Instead she pops out babies and leaves the responsibilities of a mothers duties to her family members who raises them well she sits on her lazy a55 collecting all she can from the government and hasn’t worked an honest day in her life. She constantly LIES through her teeth, steals from innocent people, smokes side and drinks non stop. She’s the biggest con artist out there. She’ll pull the poor me card my baby daddies left me, feel bad for me trick on you. Desiree is nothing but a destructive toxic person who uses people until she’s done with them. She’s sneaky with her actions and sly with her words. She may look innocent but there’s nothing beautiful about this disgusting disturbing disaster of a female. She’s not a woman. She’s just a scared little girl who keeps calling wolf and causing problems in everyone’s lives. Stay far away from her unless you want your life to fall apart. She’ll suk all the good out of you then go find her next victim.