Désirée James Nelson — This Toothless Dragon Chasing Meth Fuelled Lying Cvm Guzzling Theif. This low lyfe goofy b1tch will do her best to invade your home and steal the dirty panties out of your laundry basket. All the while stashing commercial sized rolls of burnt tinfoil around your house. She will steal anything from your most expensive family heirlooms to the crack like looking chunks of stucko on your floor. But atleast you dont have to worry about losing your toothbrush because she obviously is completely oblivous as to it purpose considering she doesnt have a single tooth left in her mouth. She prefers gummers but will give up rear entry to anybody who she thinks she can get a hoot of crack meth heroin or a power-aide bottle of whatever happens to be on sale at the local jizzley aslong as it comes with a cvm shot on the side from a little boy. An guess what folks not inly is she dtf little boys but she also likes her men like she likes her cheep wIne ……AGED! She fuks a skelator looking skinner named higgins on the regular an lets him g her out an rape her on tape because she refuses to grow up an be there for her child.