Clarence Leather And Kendra Threesuns — (Girlie) Warning DRD Carriers
10 Nov 2020
The Worst Gold Diggers Author- These people should be Seriously charge for murder or be in jail for not letting people know they are DRD Positive but yet they hook up with anyone Young & old and infected them with DRD. Where it all started was when Clarence & Kendra started dating back in 2014/2015. Girlie infected Clarence and possibly had it since 2010/11 Which she caught from a man who was a jail bird. But they are no longer dating but they are out there Caught up in drugs and alcohol and are sleeping with anyone passing on DRD. People be cautious of them if your family or anyone you was with them should go get tested. Clarence leather is from siksika nation, Alberta, Canada And he is in his mid 30s, he goes by the name junior leather on Facebook. Kendra Threesuns or goes by the name Girlie is also from Siksika nation, Alberta, Canada And she in her early 40s, she goes by Kendralynn Firstrider or Threesuns.
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