The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Ladies. This gem here is a true nightmare. First of all he lies. About everything. He talks about money constantly and will take you to an Airbnb pretending it’s his house. He tells stories about being recently divorced but really he’s engaged to one woman and has a baby he doesn’t take care of with another. I’m a lawyer and I went on a date with him during COVID then did some checking. ALL LIES! Fake phone number, fake address. De he even lied about his age, says he’s 40 because he’s obviously into younger girls and anybody knows they don’t want some almost 50 year olds man. Who is engaged to one woman and has a baby they aren’t allowed to see and don’t take care of with another woman all while active on dating sites telling sob stories for sympathy. The kicker, we were hanging out and out of nowhere he got so sexually aggressive I was uncomfortable and quickly made an excuse to end the evening. It’s probably a good thing he’s not allowed around his daughter. Don’t fall for the scam!! You’ve been warned.