This is Catherine witty., Catherine Grace from Esquimalt Victoria BC. She has slept with every brown guy in town in hopes they might have some Arab taste in their cum. She’s popular for taking it bareback and let’s one night stands, like me, bust in her meat sack. All my brown freinds have had her for at least two months each a piece. I know it sounds sick talking about her like she’s a object but if I only had recorded her saying she just wants to be used and abused like a toy! Her new demographic is refugees in Victoria bc she has fucked allot of them causing issues within the refugee community. She’s loves the extra attention but I don’t know if she’s up for whats coming next. She has a bunny soley for the reason to brag about her bun and make it a Instagram page (bettybunbun) to garner likes and other compliments for taking care of the bun. The bun is left alone days on end without food or water, shits where he is meant to sleep.. the thing is totally neglected it’s almost illegal! Just for some likes and a platform to meet more dudes to sleep with! Never has this girl ever had a job for more than two months, she rarely stays long enough at her three previous jobs to get fired which would have eventually happened. She’s doesn’t work or do anything with her day other than lay on her back and take dick. Stay away from this sick bitch, it’s only about time she contracts some drd with all the unprotected sex she lives on