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Akela Brougham Sells Pictures Of Her Bvtthole
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Victoria’s notorious floozy Akela Brougham admits to selling her private photos online to pay the bills. We all know this scumbag would never amount to much and this just proves it. Still doing hoodrat shit. Lol.
read moreAbhi Sam Gogoi Pervert Alert
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This douche bag Abhi “Sam” Gogoi is so used up and disgusting. He’s full of DRDs’s and had slept with all of not only Victoria, but Vancouver and Prince George as well! (Who knows where else). He will treat you like a princess, tell you everything you want to […]
read moreTy Daggis / Tyler Denniston He Is NOT To Be Taken Seriously.
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Tyler is just a boy who is acting out. He talks poorly about everyone because he can’t except his own flaws and admit that he needs help, He is not dangerous in any way shape or form but he is very loud, Its best to just ignore him…he is […]
read moreCaitlin Ross — More Fake Than The Filler In Her Face
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Caitlin never wanted kids then found out her meal ticket would leave if she didn’t get knocked up. So she got pregnant he got hurt I believe and she started screwing around on him with another guy while he was in the hospital. Using his money from people fundraising […]
read moreSandee E. Johnston — Money Hungry, Man Hating, Cold Hearted Liar
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Mom of 2 but you wouldnt think so. She spends zero time with her kids. She dumps them off on anyone who she can manipulate or pay into it. Her mom and Dad wont even have them over anymore because she used them so much to go out and […]
read moreJeff Milburn — Woman, Child Abusing Drd Carrier
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This guy gave four or five women the drd in the last 5 months and when he was called on it he says his ex’s are just jealous. Jeff, you are literally the biggest piece of s*+t I’ve ever met . You are not only a woman beater, you […]
read moreElida Nimani — Be Cautious
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Elida is well know in the Victoria and West Shore areas. I don’t like to shame women for the amount of men they bring into their beds, so I won’t put emphasis on her promiscuity or the things she is well known for… I am here to give caution. […]
read moreJodie Bittner — Nasty B1tch From Hell
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This chick will befriend you and then either after a few months or years will do some crazy bullsh1t and then blame everything on you. She is constantly looking for attention from other men well her husband is working, saying she wants to fuk other men. I guess you […]
read moreTyler Stephens — Biggest POS Of Langford
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Everyone welcome Tyler Stephens. How this guy has not been posted on here is shocking. He was dating my beautiful friend and during that time would get drunk and abusive, lied constantly and cheated. He is on several dating websites while in relationships and still talks to his pathetic ugly […]
read moreMegan Caston — Snaggle Tooth B1tch
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Meet Megan Caston…. this classy broad will continue to message your boyfriend even when she knows he’s in a relationship. I mean I guess when your this ugly you have to try and hold onto something right?! She moved here from Alberta 2 years ago and every women in Victoria […]
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