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Leanne Cvnt Campbell
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This single mom is sleeping around in surrey with married men for attention lol. She has DRDs lol. She sleeps around for attention because she’s a garbage lame low life single mom lol. Desperate and ugly pigs need attention and sex from men? lol. She is a well good […]
read moreAmber Dawn Smith ⚠ Newton Meth Slore ⚠
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Beware of this cheating meth floozy! Everything hse says is a lie. She live in her parents basement at 34 with 5 chihuahuas she doesn’t clean up after so it stinks like piss and sh1t. She has literally cheated on ever single person she has been with. That’s probably […]
read moreStephanie Dolezal
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This is Stephanie Dolezal she is a bus operator for [REDACTED] in Surrey, she is 40 years old with 2 kids living at her mommy and daddy basement 😂😂 been divorced once and common law separated, plays men for money see more than one guy even though she is in a relationship, […]
read moreLeanne Mar The Girlfriend Who Cheated And Never Got Caught
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – this girl leanne is the most problematic girl ever. last year, she cheated on her boyfriend with her hookups (keep in mind she was begging her hookup to date her so she could leave her current boyfriend). she got drds and passed it onto multiple people. she let an […]
read moreKeenan Ryley Gatey Racist Incel Is Back
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Be aware the racist incel is back . He’s already posted on the dirty before for harassment and being a dirty racist prick . But the cops did nothing!!!! Now he’s starting a 4k drone business but the quality is crap . Nokia phone quality pictures .See for yourself […]
read moreJasmine Bhangu — Surrey H0e
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Jasmine Bhangu is one of the most cruel and cold hearted girls that you will ever meet. She has ruined many people’s lives and goes around hooking up with random men in the area. Jasmine is known by many and she talks to majority of all the guys in surrey. […]
read moreHailey Esau Surrey’s Biggest Speed Smoking Super Sloot
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – She literally has give me DRDS . It’s a public advisory warning and not a joke. She is DRD and making it her mission to infect Surrey . She will pry on drugs and steal from you the moment she can . Every word is a complete lie from […]
read moreLeanne Campbell — Leanne Slore Campbell
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This ugly b1tch only harasses married men. Her 2 kids are also from a married man too. She has a total 5 police cases for harassment. She is also secretly married to a man named Vipin Kapoor, Vipin is already married with 2 kids lol. This woman has a […]
read moreAlice Angelina Corcio Who Sleeps With Their Baby Daddy’s Best Friend To Get Revenge
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This woman has no respect for anyone she has dated! She decided that she was mad at her baby dad and just to get back at him she slept with his best friend just to get even. Not to mention any other relationship she was in she has played […]
read moreAshtin Nicole Scott Tubtard
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Ashtin Nicole Scott is a 400 lb midget who will sleep with anything with a pulse even if it abuses her. She is the biggest 2 faced back stabber you will ever meet. If you decide you don’t wanna be her friend she will tell anyone who will listen […]
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