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Lee-Ann Hertel And Christa Slater — The Illegal Social Services
The Worst Gold Diggers Author- The witch and the drunk .. Lee-Ann Hertel & Christa Slater. Leeann got christa to illegally log into someones ODSP file in nov 2016 to stalk, harass, bully, slander, list goes on. They even accessed their other haters files and their bestfriends. How nasty is that? This all have been proven with a […]
read moreJosh Harte — Piece Of Sh1t
The Worst Gold Diggers Author- Hey my name is Josh Harte I travel around provinces and cities. I’m a stupid idiot that can’t keep a relationship or friendship. I know I’m an idiot and stupid so I try to act better to attract nice women but in the end I make shit up in my Small pea […]
read moreAdam Tambeau — Adam Tambeau Loves Porking Plumpers.
Adam Tambeau — Adam Tambeau Loves Porking Plumpers. Tambeau’s always been a freak that would bang anything. His list of priors makes him look like he jerked it to where the wild things are as a kid instead of a porno mag. He even cleaned out the cobwebs in 600 pound Lisa Greenberg’s batcave in his […]
read moreJoseph Dugas Dirt Bag/Fake Dom
Joseph Dugas Dirt Bag/Fake Dom. This guy is a complete manslore you will lie until his face turns blue. He gives no fuks about anyone but himself. He will leave sh1t stains in his underwear, the back of his teeth are black and his breathe is like rotting flesh from not brushing them. He hardly […]
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