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Natasha Winslow
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This psycho likes not to only fuk around with married men but she befriends the wives as well. She makes fake gmail accounts and goes above and beyond to be a side chick. She’s a slore with no standards. Cheated on her husband with at least 3 married men […]
read moreKaty Campbell — Wichita, Kansas
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This is Katy Campbell. She is a total Southside moth. She’s a homewrecker and she’s proud about it. De She will sleep with your husband behind your back and flirt with him in front of your face…She’s a despicable human being. With as much as she gets around spreading […]
read moreRenea Rosendale — Wichita, Kansas
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Let’s see she lost some weight so she started talking to other guys while she was still with her husband and then she decided to leave her husband but she blames it all on him because of his “nerd games” and not showing her attention but that is just […]
read moreJessica Gorden — Wichita, Kansas
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Because I started an Amazon business that nets me at least 4 figures a week, this old raisin-faced dried up b1tch tried to file a fake police report on me saying that I drove past her house and was “verbally” abusing her. So first off, who in the fuk […]
read moreDock K Yancey — Topeka, Kansas
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Name: Dock K Yancey Last Known Address: 3846 SW TOPEKA BLVD, TOPEKA, KS 66609 Birthday: 1987-05-02 Race: Black Gender: Male Height: 6 ft 2 in Weight: 230 lbs. Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown University: Vidtron View Details Charge: 0999700 – AGGRAVATED CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE/VICTIM 13-16 Charge Date:
read moreKelsey Hastings — Wichita, Kansas
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This is by far the worst possible person that you or anyone can ever meet not only will she you lie cheat and steal from you she will do anything she can to decimate your character will even go as far as to lie to police and have her […]
read moreHeath Nixon — Violent Narcissistic Cheater
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Heath may be easy on the eyes, but trust me when I say the juice isn’t worth the squeeze. At present, Heath is awaiting trial for a laundry list of charges such as kidnapping, domestic battery, violation of a protection order, etc. against a former mistress. While that would […]
read moreAlyssa Miller — The Lying Christian
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – you have to put this chic on blast. Her and her mom Jonie are constantly on social media preaching about how Christian they are and how everyone else will be going to hell for their sins. The sin? Not supporting Trump. Well anyways, Alyssa pretends to be this holy […]
read moreChelsea Buchanan — Beware Hutchinson Ks
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – I am 52 and my hubby is 61 the homewrecker is 28/30. Went to az second I was gone she was searching my h out. She only likes taken men. I want people warned.
read moreAdrian Singleton — Dirty Drd Having Mf
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – He will use you manipulate you looks for easy targets single moms are girls who don’t have anyone to run to he will beat you damage your car, take all your money loves cheating on his gfs with men if you run into Adrian stay far away!!! Karma a […]
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