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Emma Doyle — Gave Me An Drd
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – I had sex with this girl she gave me an drd.
read moreKelly Poulton — Fuks Slore
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – I know he has been on here before. But he gave me an DRD. He fuks everything that walks with his shrimp d1ck. That is if he can get it hard enough. Also make sure you stick something in his a55. He is a complete head case. You are […]
read moreKelly Blair Poulton — Fuks Slores
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – I know this guy has been in here before. But he just doesn’t get how dirty he is. He is by far the grossest guy ever. He uses women and then tosses them Away. It’s actually kinda sad because he really thinks he is such a great person. He […]
read moreAngelina Aramuhkanadurajan — Home Wrecker
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This 18 y.o. is a homewrecker h0e. She sleeps with anyone that will give her attention. She likes to meet up with random Indian men she meets online. She has ruined so many families. I wonder if her parents know that their daughter is the biggest sloot in Abby.
read moreStephanie Issel — Stephanie Fent Slore
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This is Stephanie Rideout she’s a head case I used to live with her in a recovery house she’s got a boyfriend in jail but sleeps around with other guys she loves doing fent and crystal one night I caught her in the kitchen playing with her self with […]
read moreEmma Rose — Biggest B1tch And Has Drds
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Becaful I hooked up with this girl and she is the biggest slore ever she did she was clean and we ended up hooking up and she gave me drds 3 of them and now I have to stay away from people so I don’t fuk them over she […]
read moreDerek Craig — What Happened To Mugg Shot?
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Derek Craig aka Mugg shot seems to have disappeared..he was all over the rap scene doing shows and responding, even in the newspaper and then gone. Ever since he broke up with his h0e gf. Is he hiding from her or someone else? Maybe hiding from paying child support for […]
read moreKelly Poulton — Trader
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This guy is such a skid. He used to try and pick up under age girls and boys. He waits till they are drunk or high. He take advantage of them. He can hardly keep his d1ck hard anymore.
The Worst Gold Diggers Author – It’s the self claimed queen elizabeth the 3rd is the biggest low life piece of TRASH there is she will suck your d1ck wait till you fall asleep and rob you of everything you own and then go as far as ta start ta tell people you beat her […]
read moreAnna Marsh — A Lying Violent
The Worst Gold Diggers Author-This women used her own mother’s sickness to steal from everyone she knew including her own brother and family. She is unstable with severed doll heads in her room and a journal that would send her to a mental institution like she put her mother in. She Is a pathetic coward […]
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