The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This chick …. WOOOOOOW ! where to even begin ! This girl I’ve known sooooo long! She is seriously the most shady and dishonest person you could ever meet. She calls herself a mother ! But she don’t have custody of her child, she lost her child because she’s a massive jib head and puts drugs & d1ck before her kid, this girl legit gets high on meth in a room right beside her child, she opens her legs to seriously every possible person while her man be up in jail, she claims to be such a baller girl can’t stay clean to save her life lasts maybe a few weeks, and now she pregnant probably still using because she can’t stop some mother this chick is what ya gonna raise this kid off your drug money ? Please they be smart to take this kid away from you too. Her man tells her he’s going to kill her and anyone she sleeps with. She thinks she’s the thoughest thing out there, and that she runs sh1t. Naaaah she’s a low life loser pathetic person who births babies she can’t even take care of. Number 1 biggest home wrecker you could ever imagine !!! Trust me it don’t matter if a guy got a woman or a wife she’s gonna open her legs right up, her pU55y is straight up NASTY Almost every single guy I know that slept with her has told me. Men seriously puke and regret it after ! This girl will screw you over so you dirty and have no remorse because she is a dead beat junkie she lies like no tomorrow and she steals Bet you any money she don’t know who her baby dad is cause she sleeps around THAT much. She also lies about multiple pregnancies Don’t trust this girl And trust she use to be fat as fuk only reason she’s skinny is cause she smokes all her drugs. She’s shady as all hell!!! Watch your back around this one she will steal your car Steal your money Steal your men Pass off drds too Don’t try to fight her either cause she fights dirty she will pull weapons on you because shes a B1*ch she’s far from a woman honestly. No wonder she only chills with men she opens wide for free drugs or to get them at a cheaper price . She’s only nice to you because you have something to offer Money, car, a house for her to sell her drugs from Rips people off too, robs people on a daily basis I let this girl live with me man, she kept my place a mess, always had random people in and out of my house at all hours. Always had stolen cars coming and going. This girl is TRASH.