The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This is Billie Jean Ferland she’s so r3tarded she lost her kids because she dated this kid 10 years younger then her named Matthew James Swampy he used her house to party with his young friends and trash it his  family lived next door and she used his auntie as a baby sitter well she and him smoked meth and sold crack and drank well the gets wete starving in the house she had a miscarriage when he was in jail cause she wouldn’t quit drinking or smoking meth or crack and she was sleeping with her ex who took care of her kids for years and this old John who owns a scrap metal yard she slept with him fir money n Pepsi and booze she’s a lying piece of garbage that cheats i Everyman she’s with that probably wasn’t even his kid she was carry she acts like she’s in love with this lil got because she wants his auntie to take her kids out of cfs.