The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This is a 29 year old who has a history of sleeping with married men. She has no morals and no self respect. She is married and has a 3 year old son. She slept with my husband in my bed while I was at work and then when he left for work she came back and washed my sheets. She finds married men that make $200k +/ year and then goes hard after them. She even brought her kid to my house. She has to wear so much makeup to cover the ugly up that she looks like she is in drag. She has ugly orange hair and dyes it red. She had the nerve to continue to stalk him after he told her it was over and he was staying with his wife and then came to my home, sat in my living room and informed me she screwed him in my bed and that they played house in my house while I was working 😡