The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Beware if this woman,she’s manipulating and a narcissist, she plays men and uses her past for excuses to why she’s such a hole , she will use u for sex and tell u anything u want to hear that she’s never cheated or will lol she will fuk u and ten mins later have another man in her room , she likes to send pictures and videos to all her guys at one time , she has brought kids into the picture and abuses men because of past trama she says, she’s very good in bed because she’s always fucken 3 to 4 people at once , it gets better she also sleeps with women too look out ladies she will fuk u over too, this girl has no job no and no money, she goes from man to man using what she calls her wet pu55y to get what she needs , if your banging her my advice is to go straight to the drd clinic. Look out people this ones a real treat lol.