Hi my name is Jessica. I was married to my husband for 5 years this June and we were together for a total of 12 years. We were high school sweethearts and as far as I knew very much in love. We planned on starting a family in January of 2015. Because of our plans to do that we had been saving money and also went on a health kick to get ourselves in a healthier lifestyle before starting a family. My husband winded up losing 100 pounds in a matter of months. Little did I know more than his looks were changing. Back in May of this year my husband became friends with a woman named Bonnie who he worked with. I didn’t know they became friends because, for one, he didn’t tell me (obviously) and for two, I never checked up on his phone or FB because I always trusted him.

One day I went on his FB to look at something and I noticed messages in his inbox. Out of curiosity I looked at the messages and saw that him and this Bonnie slut were messaging each other. I tried to put it out of my mind but it started to nag at me. After some further investigating through phone records I was able to determine that they had been texting and talking on the phone as well. I confronted my husband but he claimed they were just friends. However, he deleted all of their text messages and continued talking with her after he promised me he would stop. In just a matter of two weeks my life was flipped upside down and my dreams of having a family with my husband were over. He told me he didn’t love me anymore and just wanted some time to think. I moved out of our home and by chance ran into her at a gas station a week later. She tried to tell me that she was cheated on herself and wouldn’t do that to someone. She claimed they were just friends. But if they were just friends then I probably wouldn’t have come across an open box of condoms when I was gathering up some of my stuff. Not to mention the fact that within a matter of days they were all over FB together going to the beach and out of town together. She also has two small children which makes it worse on me because she already had her family, but chose to take mine away.

All I want is for people to know who the real Bonnie is. She is not a loving christian woman that she tries to portray herself as. She is a homewrecker!!!!!!!!