Me and my fiancé of 3 years had just finished making love which knocked him out and he gets a message on his iPad through messenger. It’s from one of his Facebook friends Anna Rascke telling him to have “sweet dreams”. So I message her back telling her “why is she messaging him, don’t worry about his dreams I take care of them”… no response. I don’t wake him up to say anything. I let it ride.

Now three weeks later there’s another message from her, “thanks bay”. Ok now I’m pissed because now I know he’s messaging her too. I message her back again “why are you still messaging my man?”, “if you think he’s gonna leave me for you and your 3 kids, you’re are sadly mistaken”…

She tells me “to get a life”, “go back to bed little girl”. Little girl? I’m 50 years old… old enough to be your mom… little girl my ass. I wake my fiancé up and ask him what is going on? He says “nothing”. “Nothing?” Well your little girl you’ve been messaging sent you a message…. and he wants to get mad at me?? Really?? Well he blocks her but not before I send all the messages to her mom, sister, brother and some of her friends… sweet revenge. Now I’m posting this so Anna Rascke can’t do it to anyone else.