Me and my fiancé of 3 years had just finished making love which knocked him out…and he gets a message on his iPad through messenger. It’s from one of his Facebook friends Anna telling him have “sweet dreams”. So meesage her back telling her “why is she messaging him, don’t worry about his dreams I take care of them”…no response. I don’t wake him up to say anything. I let it ride. Now three weeks later there’s another message from her, “thanks bay”. Ok now I’m pissed because now I know he’s messaging her too. I message her back again “why are you still messaging my man?”, “if you think he’s gonna leave me for you and you 3 kids, you’re are sadly mistaken”. She tells me “to get a life”, “go back to bed little girl”. Little girl? I’m 50 years old…old enough to be your mom…little girl my ass. I wake my fiancé up and ask him what is going on? He says “nothing”. “Nothing?” Well your little girl you’ve been messaging sent you a message….and he wants to get mad at me?? Really?? Well he blocks her but not before I send all the messages to her mom, sister, brother and some of her friends…sweet revenge. Now I’m posting this so she can’t do it to anyone else…