This is Cassie Bohannan! She is a no good cheating whore. For the past 2 1/2 yrs she and my boyfriend have been having an affair. After I found out he cut all ties with her. She still stalks him, shows up at our house, harasses me at work. It is never ending. She has left notes for him telling him how much she misses him, that she wants him to be a father to her kids. She will not give up!!! She works at banfield vet on I-35 At the forum. She is was also stealing from work and giving meds to him for his dog, and shampoo, flea meds and toys. Please stop by and tell her what an ugly piece of shit she is.

Tell her she’s worthless and NEVER will be a part of his family, know his mom or anything like that. I am trying to work things out, we have been together for over 8 yrs, trust me, he’s no where near being forgiven, there is no trust right now but we are working on it. Leaving is still an option. If I knew more people here we would take a drive to her house and leave a sack of burning shit on her porch. If anyone is interested you can google her, Cassie Bohannan, Adkins TX, MT olive rd. I need this piece of trash out of our lives.