Heidi first threw herself at my husband when they were coworkers during his second marriage in 2006. He had an affair with her for over a year. When his marriage ended so did his affair with Heidi. He went on to date another coworker and marry her. When Heidi thought that marriage was going south (and it was) she contacted him again. Straight to her house and a three year long affair. In the meantime, my husband married me and right before Christmas he confesses. They would meet during the day when she was supposed to be working with special needs children (what a lovely teacher). They would meet on Tuesdays or Thursdays every couple of weeks at her house when her mother, now out of prison for forgery, was at her part time job. A charming family. I hear she’s working on her masters in social work at Wayland Baptist University. I can only imaging that she will specialize in marriage counseling as she has spent so much of her time and energy trying to destroy mine. She contacted me the day after my husband confessed the affair. She swears she didn’t know he was married to me (as if the last two didn’t count). Unfortunately this whore and I work in the same field and we had met a month after my wedding. I asked her if she knew my husband because they had worked in the same program and she said he must have left before she came on. She messaged me a couple of weeks after he broke it off. She instant messaged me on Facebook to let me know that he confessed his love to her and that they talked or texted every day. Our phone records don’t confirm her story. She told me they met all the time. This crazy bitch thinks they were in a real relationship but confessed to never meeting his children, going anywhere with him except to her house during the day. Hell, she never met any of his friends. She sent him pictures and videos of herself. And ladies, it isn’t always the pretty ones. Low hanging fruit is everywhere. For a good time call 210-585-1400. If nothing else I hope she at least gets fired for cheating the school and the students out of their time.