The Worst Gold Diggers Author – I meet this guy on a dating site, you talk to him for a couple Of days and than he gets all clingy. He starts off telling you he has a daughter thats with his ex that he’s clearly not over and its a wow is mean story to get you to feel sorry for him. Once you tell him that you don’t want to talk anymore he goes crazy and says that I am stupid that he can get any women that he wants, he has one at home, one on the side and more to come. I feel for his girl at home because she dosnt know what’s going on. But this guy will threaten your well being because you don’t want to be with him. He also asks for money because he can’t let his girl know he’s going out and spending there money so he needs money to take the other women out as he says. He is a player and will use you for your money and verbally abuse you.