The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This post is about someone I have known for a very long time. I know Kristen Alfrey very well and she needs a wake up call! Kristen is cheating with a married man & I am sick of her bullSh!t. Kristen has a very ill child named Jakob with a lot of medical bills. Jakob is sick and needs a lot more TLC. Kristen is spending all of her money on herself and her new secret boyfriend. He is 33 years old and Kristen is only 23 years old. I know this cant be the only time her secret boyfriend has seeked out a weak single mom to use. Sadly Kristen suffers from a extreme case of “ugly ducking syndrome”. she was never been pretty or popular in school and was bullied. so she goes the extra mile to try to be a model in the past or beauty pageants . because of her looks she never won anything. This the reason 4 her low self esteem and why she will let him use her for sex favors and $. I am not okay with her deep dark secret that I want to tell his wife. To make it all worse his wife is pregante!! So Kristen stop ignorning your son and going out and buying clothes and make up you cant afford and change your look and style for him. Jonathan stop cheating on your wife and using my friend! You are ruining her life and I am going to tell your wife! Kristen quit telling all of your friends and family about a marriage you are ruining for a guy who is using you!