The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Cynthia “Cindy” or “Dee, D” DiGeronimo is a hair coloring troll who likes to damage other people’s relationships and their families. She has no sense of morals. She knew about the relationship and how happy they were, and that they were starting a family and trying to build a new life together. She used money to pry the guy away as well as getting him to feel sorry for her by lying about getting roofied, or that her mom hit her head and went to the hospital. She really has no remorse. She’ll make anything up to get dudes to sleep with her. She’s spreading DRDs around and blaming the dudes gf, and constantly harasses the gf. She doesn’t know any limits and won’t stop until she completely destroys their relationship and breaks their family apart. She’s an unhappy, recently divorced woman, out to destroy anyone and anything in her path. She like to pretend she’s about standing up for other women, when in reality she’s trying to gain a footing in someone else’s relationship. I don’t think she will stop, ever. Everyone needs to know who she is and what she’s doing. She’s trying to blend in as a cordial member of society, when in fact she’s out to make herself look good, while she destroys a wonderful family and relationship. She was going to cosmetology school at [REDACTED] in roundrock, texas. She constantly changes her number so she can keep from being caught. She’s also an attention slore, she’s got multiple Facebook and Instagram accounts. She loves making people pity her, then she will dress up her troll-looking self to “try” to look more attractive. There’s no fixing her outward and inward appearance… no matter what color she changes her hair to, she will always be found out for who she truly is: a DRD carrying trolling homewrecking slore.