The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Normally don’t even use sites like this to even address people or the issues I have with them, but I’m fed up with this bitch. Meet Rafaella Williams, she’s in her late 30s and despite her looks, she’s no more than a piece of pussy with legs.

I met RAF on a dating app and we immediately click. I thought she was attractive and vice versa. Hell, I still think you’re attractive. The reason that I’m submitting this entry is that Rafaella has some foul, rather hoeish ways and this is to inform those interested to steer clear. Rafaella works as a CNA and you would think she Exerts empathy and compassion for people outside of herself. When I was going through a bout of depression she left me stranded. No moral support. No honey I gotchu nothing. It was me on my own. I won’t even take about your little escapades (ms swinger). You’re selfish and you’re only concerned about yourself and getting your rocks off.

I became distant because the aforementioned of her not haven’t my back showed me that SHES A WEAK ASS BITCH. YEAH, I said it. But I was so caught up and emotionally invested that I could truly see you for what you were. We got back to talking and I wished her a Happy Valentine’s day only for her to claim she in a relationship. Mind you. De she’s sending me pictures. Nudes sexy lingerie pictures etc. You’re cutthroat and no man should trust you. Oh, lying ass selfish ass bitch.

How is it you’re better than everybody and work at Dave & Busters? How is it you’re better than someone and starting GoFundMes? Smh foul.