The Worst Gold Diggers Author – It’s scary how psychotic this b1tch actually is. DO NOT be fooled by her dismissive clueless aloof act, she’s been LEARNING how to put this front on for years now. What she does is she gets close to everyone around her, boasts about being a proud school student and dog owner, prides herself on her false “independence” and does little pointless gestures and favors for everyone expecting a lasting impression will save her from her own bullsh1t. In truth, she is a vindictive bitter manipulative emotional terrorist that feeds on her own capacity to convince others they are beneath her and she can’t stop doing it to cope with her own issues. She is self loathing and rather than work on character, she merely shields herself behind her own mediocre accomplishments. She pretends to like others, then she ALWAYS puts them down behind her back, thinking whoever she’s talked about them to actually thinks more of HER now. She’ll even use her own achievements as a sh1tty comparison. This is ironically because as she deflects, she herself can’t get by without hardship and refuses to be humble in understanding, opting for prompt cowardly judgement rather than acknowledging that she too OFTEN cuts corner just as such as anyone she thinks she’s superior too. She’s never loved before and she spreads her legs for pretty much any guy she thinks she can use, LONG TERM OR SHORT. She sleeps with older and questionable men EVERY other week of the month and they pay her money for it. It seems like a lie but just ask her to see her facebook and cellphone messages and she will FIGHT to keep them from from being seen. Let yourself be fooled if you want, or take a chance to open your own fuking eyes and see if any of this stuff here today is true, but SHE ISN’T WHAT YOU THINK. THIS IS A WARNING TO ANYONE WHO DOES AND DOESN’ T CARE ABOUT HER. GET HER HELP, because SHE DOESN’T EVEN KNOW HOW to take it for fuk sakes. Even after the times selling herself for sex turned ugly and forced for her, she kept going back. She proudly boasts about it to any friends like her that will condone and listen, THEN puts those SAME friends down for being sl00ts when she’s not with them, turns her nose up to people that cheat to get by, abandons anyone her makes a mistake around her, and ultimately boasts to everyone else that she is just SOOO smart at saving money because she’s a bright stable mentally well put together person. ALOT of people post and WILL post bulsshit stories about people telling the world they have an DRD of some kind but this isn’t that right here. Not only is everything being said here true, but THIS is a TRUE HEART FELT WARNING to men she’ll keep this stuff from…. She HAS callously downplayed contracted DRD’s she HERSELF has suspected she’s caught from her “exciting nights out with friends from work” or “the really nice guys she’s met” – and CONTINUED to screw those SAME guys AGAIN after ther doctor visits. Hell, she even confers with them over text about each others doctor’s visits once the sex goes wrong. It’s gross but what’s not an opnion- It’s also fuked and dangerous. Wear a condom and know what your getting yourself into here, because SHE WON’T TELL FKN YOU man. Whenever she’s called out for any of this sh1t, she just emotionally plays the victim REALLY hard, so don’t expect to catch her by just confronting her bullsh1t act. She knows NOTHING but how to play it harder or she just won’t CARE. She lies to her own parents, family, friends and pretty much anyone that’s ever cared about her. She could get help and probably never will because WANTS she believes her own lies. Be careful if she ever crosses you… She’ll just runaway after she does. TRUST ME. RACHEL KOSKI IS WEAK AND SHE IS A COWARD. She could be motivational, yet she CHOOSES to be an AWFUL PERSON. I wouldn’t hold my breath for her to change, who knows how long that might ever take. You’ve been warned, don’t let Rachel Koski use you. She WILL and you WILL regret it. Rachel, you and you’re stupid dog have a great life.