The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This slore tops the cake when it comes to using people and being a sloot. Of the three and a half years of being with her, I thought everything was good. Payed her phone bill, gave her money, even bought her a Tah0e to drive because I felt uncomfortable with her driving her death trap. It didn’t occur to me that she knew exactly what she was doing in order to get all this until she got with my ex-best friend who happened to get a inheritance when his parents died. After she left me for him I had time to thing on the past and how some things didn’t add up and after some digging around i discover this slore was cheating on me the whole time we were together. So now since she is with him she already talked him into buying her a boob job, and is talking him into or already did talk him into a tummy tuck to get rid of that spare tire around her fat a55 waist. and since I took the Tah0e back I’m sure she will be getting a new car soon. that’s all cool let her spend all his money but one day it will run out and she will be on the prowl for her next victim so guys beware. don’t believe a word she says cause it is all a lie. I’m just glad I found out the real her before we got married. word of advise , If you have to hit it just hit it and quit it. I sure wish that’s what I did.