The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This mother is a low life mother indeed, let’s get down to it, she got pregnant by the same man (shocker) 3times and had 3 sons, one of these sons was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and autism, while the kids were young she took them to their fathers at a young age and dumped them with there so she could be with her several men. Left and didn’t return till they were all 18, but calls her self a “mom” not only did she abandon all her kids, she likes to target other women who have kids and try to say they are bad mothers when in reality she couldn’t even raise her own. The father of the 3 sons works twice as hard to take care of the disabled son who wasn’t even supposed to live past 3yrs old. But because of the father, he is still alive today, but where is his mom? Sleeping with 2 different men, she has a husband who she owns a construction company and home, and a Sancho on the side with who she also shares an apartment. She also likes to degrade people making them feel like they are dumb claiming she has an education when she doesn’t have any proof of any type of education. She likes to say “they don’t know what they are talking about” especially when it comes to Spanish. De she acts as she knows but she sounds dumb doing so. This woman is a manipulative liar, and always likes to feel she better than others but clearly, she isn’t as bright as she claims don’t let this wannabe Mexican trash try to say so. She likes to claim that men try to rape her be aware and cautious she may try to say you raped her too.